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My name is Paula Price, and I am a senior Financial Strategist, Senior Paraplanner, certified Weight Management Consultant and Body Recomp Specialist.

I have combined my 12 years of experience in the finance industry with my passion to help clients optimise their health and achieve their aesthetic goals to develop: ‘The Fat Loss GAME’.

The 'Fat Loss GAME' is a program designed to ensure you achieve your fat loss goals. It consists of an acronym (GAME), which stands for:

  • Goal

  • Accountability

  • Meal Planning

  • Exercise

These are the four foundational elements required to achieve your fat loss goals.


In the endless pursuit to lose body fat, the first question most people tend to ask is “So, which diet is best for weight loss?”. However, you already know the answer to this question. To lose body fat, it does not matter which diet you choose. You simply need to be in a consistent caloric deficit, over a period of time. This is not groundbreaking news.


So, how do you enter into a caloric deficit? You also know the answer to this question. In order to enter into a caloric deficit, you need to consume fewer calories than your body requires.


But how do we know how many calories our body needs? If you don’t already know the answer to this one, there are numerous calculators available online (based on specific formulas) that you can use as your starting point. You can then adjust these calories, based on your progress over time.


Problem solved right? This means that any diet can enable you to lose body fat, provided it places you into a consistent caloric deficit.


However, the problem is not solved. Like an endless loop, we are asking the wrong questions over and over again. This is because understanding how to lose body fat is not the actual problem, since we already know the answer to this.


The question we actually need to be asking is “How do we stick to the plan?” This is where we need to redirect our focus. The answer to actually achieving our fat loss goals lies in the magic of accountability.


Accountability is the answer

Use the magic of accountability to ensure you achieve your fat loss goals.


According to a study by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), the probability of achieving a goal is:


  • 10% if you have an idea or a goal.

  • 25% if you consciously decide you will commit to it.

  • 40% if you decide when you will do it.

  • 50% if you plan how you will do it.

  • 65% if you commit to someone that you will do it.

  • 95% if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

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