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Gym Workout


Select the GAME you wish to play from the four investment options below. 

  • Conservative

    Every week
    +$250 Set-Up Fee
    Low Risk / Low Return Plan
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Personalised GAME Plan
    • Establishment of clear goals
    • Financial & caloric budget
    • Meal plans & macronutrient targets
    • Training plans
    • Accountability system
    • Check-ins - 1 x per month
  • Moderate

    Every week
    +$250 Set-Up Fee
    Moderate Risk / Moderate Return
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Personalised GAME Plan
    • Establishment of clear goals
    • Financial & caloric budget
    • Meal plans & macronutrient targets
    • Training plans
    • Accountability system
    • Check-ins - 1 x per fortnight
  • Balanced

    Every week
    +$250 Set-Up Fee
    Moderately High Risk / Moderately High Return
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Personalised GAME Plan
    • Establishment of clear goals
    • Financial & caloric budget
    • Meal plans & macronutrient targets
    • Training plans
    • Accountability system
    • Check-ins - 1 x per week
  • Highest likely return


    Every week
    +$250 Set-Up Fee
    High Risk / High Return
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Personalised GAME Plan
    • Establishment of clear goals
    • Financial & caloric budget
    • Meal plans & macronutrient targets
    • Training plans
    • Accountability system
    • Check-ins - 5 x per week
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